3. Making Meaning

Meaning Can Be Created!

Sometimes you want to brand something that has not existed before. Think about Brunch. It is simple: breakfast + lunch. But, by giving it a snazzy name all of a sudden it is a "thing" to do. The same is true for Skills Lab. We could have called it "Collaborative learning period". But that's a terrible name! If you struggle to make catchy names and package concepts meaningfully, check out these links as resources:



The most important marketing concept in Educate! is: IS STUCK








If you don't know it, read the YET manual. If you want to master it more, check out the resources on Made to Stick under these links:



Consistent Language and short, memorable names to make something into "a thing"

Making Themes

In making a good theme, just like in making a good training, think more about capturing the "WHY" instead of the "WHAT".

Example of a "what" theme: "Leading the way to Effective Teaching and Learning"

Example of a "why" theme: "Make a Difference with Practical Teaching"

Here are some relevant examples of lots of themes in our field of promoting youth entrepereneurship and leadership, shop around! Save a few to your laptop! Start collecting great ideas:


Here is another resource to help you in creating a truly different, inspiring themes:


Also remember, for any training on a new concept, your first job is to sell them on the why: Why should they do this new thing? For example, during the first training on Skills Lab you are selling "Skills Lab" to them. WHY should they do it? What problems does skills lab solve? What are the benefits of skills lab? Start with the WHY and make your warm-up activity an exercise that brings that out in a personal way. If you need help capturing the WHY, watch this for 5 minutes:



Watch this video 13 minute video so that you never make a grammar mistake in your writing! Short tips that, if you internalize them, will allow you to make both powerful long sentences and short punchy sentences that are enjoyable and memorable for your readers!

Assessment #3: Meaningful Impact Quiz

Meaningful Impact Assessment - Print out.pdf

Here is a pdf version of the Meaningful Impact Quiz. You can print this and review all the questions and draft your answers before submission on the google form.

Remember to SAVE your answers on your computer first, just in case the google form crashes so you don't lose your work!.